Now that I'm free of school assignments and exams, I've returned to the development of z00t Theater's projects.
As for starters, I updated the website, and handled a few requests.
First of, it was totally rewritten in Ruby on Rails. It took me
a couple of days, and about half a day of importing the data from
the old database. Wrote a hell lot of regular expressions for the sql :P
Due to refactoring, the code got smaller, and way better lookin'. Much easier now to add new features now.
Now, for the new features:
RSS feeds!, as someone has asked in an old comment.
developer and project blog archive - this was a stupid thing that was missing. there was no way of viewing the older posts. It's fixed now.
Image's generated thumbnail - when we upload images, a small thumbnail is created, for bandwidth's sake.
Comment captcha - hah. a real captcha system, this time.
The number of comments each image has is now shown in the "recent images" box, so that visitors actually realise that you can *comment* the images.
The navigation is slightly improved, but huge changes have been made specially in the backoffices. It will be easier for us to add new content, that way :)
So, any new requests, bugs or suggestions, please leave a comment and I'll be sure to read it.