postXmas surprise

By moomoo on December the 24th, 2009 under Ekaiyo project

First of all, hello. It's been a while since anyone posted, and about forever since I posted. To make up for this, I present the following:

The Pokedex has been updated with over 25 new Pokemon. Gamefreak2kx (also known as Dr Freak) was bugging me to get my material settings so I did, and he thought it would be a nice Christmas surprise for you all to get a big Dex update.

There are a few more models in the waiting list so check back tomorrow(or later today, depending on when you're reading this). Until then, enjoy such marvels as Troive's Blastoise and Tyler's Aerodactyl IN MIND-BLOWING 3D! (<-- text can't echo, but imagine that bit echoing)

Now I'm gonna catch some sleep. Let me conclude by saying I'll do my best to get a bit more active on the project again(for those who don't know, I moved out of my parents' house over a year ago and have been without an Internet connection since). And let's throw in a good old 'Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!' while I'm at it.


Anonymous said, on December the 24th, 2009:

Hear Hear!

troive said, on December the 24th, 2009:

Merry Christmas =D!

GhostLyrics said, on December the 24th, 2009:

nice to hear that. Merry Christmas to you.

george said, on December the 25th, 2009:

1 year without the internet and people are still hopeful about this project, pfff at least you guys are honest...

Nisfero said, on December the 30th, 2009:

Awesome, keep up the good work! :D

Daniel said, on January the 3rd, 2010:

Cool i like it :).Happy new Year

gamefreak2kx said, on January the 9th, 2010:

151 pokemon in the dex =D

David said, on January the 25th, 2010:

Hahaha pokemon! :)

Anonymous said, on February the 7th, 2010:

Okay, i'm confused about this whole thing... So you guys have been working on a 3d pokemon MMORPG, for 5 years, and have only gotten 153 pokemon down?

Silly tiger said, on February the 8th, 2010:

What? Joo are all arseholes!, makin me wait so many years for a beta and whatnot... I shall find you all and strap your testicles down with clamps and force you to work faster on the project so that i can finnaly PLAY!... yeah... and your testiculars shall be MINE!, grats on graduation btw... now if i may have your real names and address's that would be helpful on this venture... lol... im a silly tiger...

retroworld said, on February the 20th, 2010:

hello i want to join in the development. i am a programmer and if you would like to know more things about me and if I could join please send me an email on

BIll said, on April the 9th, 2010:

hey sup heard bout this on youtube been reading stuff i understand y the game isnt out yet any recent updates?

gamefreak2kx said, on April the 11th, 2010:

Check the forums BIll

X said, on April the 21st, 2010:

wow if anyone looks at other pokemon mmo's I hope that ekaiyo does not recieve the same C&D letter pokenet got from nintendo. So all lets hope that Ekaiyo does not get a C&D letter.

.... said, on July the 14th, 2010:

I don't understand... You guys need to seriously hurry up. People are waiting on you. wether you like it or not. not to put any pressure on you--actually--to put extra pressure on you, people have been waiting for this since BEFORE you guys even started developing it. Now. Think of it this way. basically 5 years ago you got everyone's hopes up. ANd you're still leading them on. it's been. 5. damn. years. people are losing interest in Pokemon faster than you're making it.

Nunn2962 said, on August the 22nd, 2010:

Well I've never followed this before, but it looks amazing I hope it is still being worked on. :)

pikachu_uchakip said, on September the 9th, 2010:

This looks really great. I know you probably get this all the time, but is it possible to try out for the team and help out with the game??

Alright... said, on September the 27th, 2010:

You guys really need to hurry with this. You don't even know. i've gone next to insane waiting for someone to save pokemon before Gamefreak ruins it. You are like, our only hope. And you know what sucks? we have nothing to hold onto. No updates in almost 10 months. Is Ekaiyo dead? Honestly? There hasn't even been a true update on Ekaiyo since at least 2008. Someone spare me. Gamefreak makes pokemon for the money now. I would do anything to support you guys, in fact, I would love to donate or something,if that would inspire you. But, sadly, you guys still haven't updated your copyright material. (Look at the bottom of this page, 2004-2008) To me it looks, sadly, as if this project is dead. It hurts. I held hope in you. One youtube video of your work gave me hope for what seemed to be forever. I check every 3 months to see if there's been the slightest update. Yet i find none. I honestly hope i'm wrong. Please. Just give us a new post or something.

ETermin said, on November the 6th, 2010:

agree there has not been one update in about a year, not even a development post. Some of us would love to help but what is possible when the integrity of the project is in question.

CharizardRules said, on December the 5th, 2010:

Not to be mean or impatient, but I've gotta agree with..."Alright..." Honestly, if I had the resources or the money to help out with this, I would. But I don't, and I don't know anymore if I can keep hoping this will end up ever being finished... :(

Guy who has just stumbled across a glimmer of hope said, on April the 21st, 2011:

I'm a guy, from Britain who loves pokemon. It was my one massive obsession when I was a kid and one that still, albeit a little more redundantly, gets me everytime...but I am getting sick of the same old games just with new pointless pokemon. I've had the hope of an open world 3d pokemon console game for a while now, one that could reignite the pokemon trend, or at least make real fans happy and not just be a shit updated port for cash. So I typed in 'open world pokemon' on google and came across this, after reading a while and getting really excited I noticed the dates...sad British pokemon fan. You guys need to sort this out, don't just leave it on here for aimless internet wanderers to stumble upon and get excited just to be crushed!! Is it dead??? Or have you been so enthralled in making it awesome that it's taken you a few years to bother putting anything up, cos that would be cool, I'd let you off for that. I NEED TO KNOW!!! Sincerely Deranged pokemaniac

CharizardRules said, on April the 24th, 2011:

I'd also like to second that GameFreak is likely to ruin Pokemon. They've made a TRASHBAG Pokemon now. Isn't that kind of sad? We need people who have the resources to keep the best parts of Pokemon alive, and not introducing *ahem* more garbage. It's been 2011 for four months now! Come on!

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