
By ManTis on April the 22nd, 2008 under Ekaiyo project

Me and Theo are currently working on the fucked up animation system. It's really annoying and I've restarted it couple times already.

Haven't been working much during the weekend because I spent it on painkillers and in hospital (don't ask, guess one should get proper healing instead of saying 'I'm cured' after 1 day of lying in bed :D). I'm feeling better now, but I'm still in bed with sickness. Actually, this means I'll regain the time I lost on weekend. Hopefully.

jahajazz created couple pokemon, out of which 2 have caught my heart especially:



PS: Oh yeah, a very important thing - if anybody out there has Pokemon Revolution and could take pictures/videos of every single pokemon for reference for our modellers (as it's sometimes hard to tell how something is supposed to look from just pokedex pictures), we would be very grateful, and it would speed up graphics creation process considerably.


Axmand said, on April the 23rd, 2008:

Good job again Mantis. Sorry for the question but where i should send the pictures/videos? To the forum?...

ManTis said, on April the 23rd, 2008:

If you have the pictures, it would be best if you could join the IRC. If you can't use IRC for some reason, contact me through PM on the forums

zoom zoom boom boom said, on April the 23rd, 2008:

wats good hey mantis i was just thinking some people might miss whats going on on this website so wuldnt it be best to post things like this on this website an the forums?

ManTis said, on April the 23rd, 2008:

No. Website is for news, forums is for ideas exchange (among others).

Korro said, on April the 26th, 2008:

Oh hey, something I can actually help out in! I have a ton of pokemon in PBR and a camra. Are there any pokemon in particular you want pictures of?

yotoman said, on April the 26th, 2008:

not to be repetitive but he said he wants every single 1

ManTis said, on April the 27th, 2008:

I want pictures (from couple angles, like the pictures we post on this site) of as many pokemon as possible. The more you provide us, the more pokemon we'll make looking good.

yotoman said, on April the 27th, 2008:

i can take pictures of a couple but do u even want pictures of ones that have been finalized already?

ManTis said, on April the 27th, 2008:

Yes, There always might be something we missed, some feature we misinterpreted from 2D anime screenshots.

said, on May the 1st, 2008:

The polywag skin is pretty bad IMO. The spiraled line looks srsly trembled.

Poke Fanatic said, on May the 10th, 2008:

Thankyou for swearing please drop off your drugs on your wau out

sincere said, on May the 11th, 2008:

good luck with the game guys i hope to see this mmo runnin some day

PokeRock said, on May the 17th, 2008:

I was wondering, whay type of programm do you use to make stuff like this? Cheers :)

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