
By ManTis on March the 31st, 2008 under Ekaiyo project

Hullo thar, haven't seen you in ages!

I'm moving to another city, as some of you may know, to new company. Now instead of working on DS and PSP games, I'm working on games for Wii. I had to leave my laptop with my gf in the old city, cause her comp broke down, as usual. I'll prolly have final appartament before 1st May (now I'm living @ my mate's) and somewhere after that, my network at home.

Theorem and me have again more time, and as usual in summer season, Ekaiyo is going back to life. Since people've been asking for it, we have added roadmap for the project (clicky). It's not fully done yet - we started working on it yesterday, it's not updated with what we've done, and it doesn't have all the issues we'll be adressing, but it is out there, and you might want to check out from time to time, as it will be best way to measure progress.

We still have to wait for moomoo for more content, but we will keep progressing on our own. Well then, enjoy the ride.

Update: if you click on 'Feature #something' you'll see description of that feature, might help you understand some weird names.

Also, keep in mind that the list is not and probably never will be completed. There will always be something added, if not feature, then bug. It's good approximation to where are we with the project currently however, and good way for us to keep track of how the team is progressing, and this was the main reason it was uploaded there.

So please no 'THAR WAS SUPPOZED 2 B VERSIOON RELESD 2 WEEKZ AGO BUT U ADDD 10 TASKZ, WAAAAAH! U SUCKZ!' complaints. I will ban by IP and username people who will provide such unconstructive criticizm :). Have a nice day.


Anonymous said, on March the 31st, 2008:

You moving again? What the hell is wrong with you, your probably just gonna lose your ekaiyo data on the computers on the airport, if there is such data?

ManTis said, on March the 31st, 2008:


The Legondary CpuDuDe11 said, on March the 31st, 2008:

ZOMG The roadmap is very nice^^ Cant wait to see that 22% go up^^ and for once my website change monitor didn't lie to me^^ Great Job ManTis

ManTis said, on March the 31st, 2008:

Actually it was Theo who set that application up ;)

E.K said, on March the 31st, 2008:

Its good to know we can keep track of things as they go on now :) GO Ekaiyo!

ObserveR said, on March the 31st, 2008:

Hey, I'm curious to know if there's a forum or something up for discussion about this project. Actually, is this project even open for ideas from others aside from the people already working on it? If so, I was wondering where I'd be able to discuss some ideas I have with you guys.

E.K said, on March the 31st, 2008:

ObserveR, Go to 'Projects' then 'Ekaiyo' and then 'Forum' :)

Axmand said, on April the 1st, 2008:

Thanks for the update Mantis, good for your moving, please never give up with the project, keep up the good work.

ekaiyo fan =3 said, on April the 9th, 2008:

i cant wait till its done! its gonna be so great! keep up the awesome work =3

MY name is earl said, on April the 9th, 2008:

hi lunatic you know plz dnt ban me its not rly a complaint but i cant use the forum anymore cause i didnt read the rules and core crew n stuff but i didnt see anything about rules when i found it for the first time PS thanks for making a great game

Ryuu said, on April the 13th, 2008:

Good luck! *wii owner* hope youÃ.´ll do a good job =D

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