
By SeraphsWitness on June the 20th, 2008 under Ekaiyo project

Here he is! Brockulous! Our favorite breeder, lover of igneous formations, and questionable pedophile.


irkku said, on June the 20th, 2008:

Nice one!

Zan said, on June the 20th, 2008:

He's looking good!

messi said, on June the 21st, 2008:

your good really goood

Lupefintasco said, on June the 21st, 2008:

Seraph is a beast So untouchable, Kudos.

Lovable hinata said, on June the 21st, 2008:

hey seraphswitness i wanted to know if you could do a model of machamp i checked and it was unclaimed thanx

TylerOfBodom said, on June the 21st, 2008:

Brock's eyes are awesome. Looks good man.

Axmand said, on June the 21st, 2008:

Good Work.

PokeRock said, on June the 22nd, 2008:

Well done keep up the work looking forward to future models

said, on June the 23rd, 2008:

I personally like it,I like your 3D models the wind waker cel-shading really gives it a nice touch

Poke'overlord (aka me) said, on June the 24th, 2008:

Nice Brock, i mean real good, maybe you could do Machamp next?

DPCerberusBlaze said, on June the 25th, 2008:

Great looking model. Just to be extremely picky, I'll say that brock usually has a couple hair spikes on his forehead. Also, in that top-right picture it looks like his ears are kind of elfish. Not really important though

Earthbound said, on June the 28th, 2008:

I just noticed the site is being updated again! =O Also great work on Brock. ^^ Though I agree with DPCerberusBlaze, he does have bangs. I don't mind the ears though.

GaryKetchum said, on July the 3rd, 2008:

WOW there actualy going through with the mmorg nice! it would be really cool to see how they model a machamp id like to see that or maybe a magnezone

SeraphsWitness said, on July the 3rd, 2008:

What's the sudden fascination with Machamp?

GaryKetchum said, on July the 5th, 2008:

Lol i guess everyones intrigued by the fact that it has four arms and is superstrong But i did say MAGNEZONE would be nice please do magnezone thnx seraph.

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