postComing Soon

By SeraphsWitness on June the 18th, 2008 under Ekaiyo project

For those of you who actually check this blog regularly (all 3 of you, thanks!), I wanted to let you know that I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've just moved back to Florida for a summer 3D teaching job here, so that took a lot of my time. Also, I'm changing pace for a bit and doing a gym leader, so it takes a bit longer. I'm about halfway through my Brock model and it's looking pretty good to me. So keep an eye out for that soon.

I'm always taking suggestions for which pokémon to model next, so feel free to let me know what you'd like to see. Make sure it hasn't been done. There are threads in the forums for confirmation.

In other news: Sexual Harassment meeting tomorrow! Awesome!


messi said, on June the 19th, 2008:

good to hear from you seraphs cant wait to see the brock model

Brock said, on June the 19th, 2008:

i cant wait to see the brock model dude, do you have an estimaion for how long it will take untill this game is ready to start?

Axmand said, on June the 19th, 2008:

Good luck in your job man, ill be waiting for the Brock model, or BTW you asking for next pokemon model, the Mewtwo model will be ok!?...

Me said, on June the 19th, 2008:

Nice I can't wait to see the Brock model!!

Zan said, on June the 19th, 2008:

Bronzong's looking good-ALL the pokes are looking good! Keep up the good work man!

SeraphsWitness said, on June the 19th, 2008:

Thanks for the kind words. Mewtwo is a definite candidate for the next model. Keep in mind that asking when the game will be done is a ban-able offense. Not my words, just giving you the warning. It will be done when it's done.

shanezilla said, on July the 11th, 2008:

dude! you guys need to model my favorite... Rilou! i know there arent many pics cause he new but i think there are enough thanks!

YOLAH!!!!!!! said, on July the 11th, 2008:

You should make a Raikuo model, it be awesome!!!!!!!!

Some Guy said, on July the 30th, 2008:

Hey I just stumbled upon your stuff on youtube. Looks really good. A gym leader will be cool. Oh and my vote is Mewtwo.

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