postSeel seel seel!

By SeraphsWitness on May the 23rd, 2008 under Ekaiyo project

Okay so I lied. This was a rather speed update. Seel wasn't very challenging though. Next, Ponyta!


Curious said, on May the 27th, 2008:

This is wonderful! I saw the website late last year and became a little sad that it wasn't being updated. It did inspire me to wish and dream of making my own Pokemon MMORPG (and I will still look into it!!) But I must know. How are you making all those models? I don't blame you for not wanting to tell me, I'm just wondering is all. Anyways, good luck, I'm totally psyched!! I can't wait for you guys to finish!!!

SeraphsWitness said, on May the 27th, 2008:

Hey curious, I use Maya v8.5. Are you on the forums? If you want specifics for how to model, go there. If enough people really are interested, I was thinking about doing a video tutorial.

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